We believe that all individuals possess intrinsic worth and should be recognized for who they are created to be. Our values reflect this belief, and guide our actions and our relationships with individuals we support, families and co-workers.
We value others and ourselves as unique and celebrate both our commonalities and differences. We welcome the diversity in thought, culture and tradition that individuals bring, believing it strengthens our collective whole.
We value human rights and weave them into all that we do. We honour the rights of those in our care. We foster an environment that is safe, comfortable, and stable, while encouraging clients to thrive and achieve their goals
We value our commitment to achieving and sustaining quality service, and our drive to continuously improve quality. We support individuals as they wish to be supported, freely embracing change as we respond to the needs of individuals in our communities.
All of us have the ability to learn and grow and so we value continued learning for ourselves and those we serve.
We honour and support the individuality of each person recognizing that the human dimensions of body, mind, emotion, and spirit are inseparable and contribute to and constitute our well being