Our Services
Behaviour Support & Family Services provides person centered services, that are delivered with our holistic approach. We believe that every individual is unique with his/her multi-dimensions (inseparable body, mind, emotion, and spirit). We serve our individuals in both French and English.

The services that we mainly provide in our Placement Department include:
Support and Care for high behavior children and youths diagnosed with FASD, Autism, OCD, ADHD, PTSD, and other behavior impacting conditions. Our Behavior Support Professionals are passionate and dedicated. They effect positive behavior changes on individuals as they are overcoming their social, cognitive and behavioral challenges.​
Support for children and youths dealing with Drug addictions as well as alcohol abuse. In this area, we support children and youths to reduce their involvement in high risk behaviors, using harm reduction principles and practices, that includes strength based and resiliency focused assessments, which promote empowerment and stabilization.
Support for children and youths affected by trauma. Our highly experienced staff are trauma informed trained. They understand how trauma affects people lives, and apply the trauma informed care principles to help the individuals that we support.
Support for children and youths with suicidal ideations. Children and youths can have thoughts of suicide for many reasons, especially when they experience so much stress that they feel overwhelmed and cannot cope. At Behavior Support & family Services, our staff are suicide prevention trained and recognize the warning signs of suicide. We work with the individuals to implement their safety plans in order to prevent crisis.
Support for youths to acquire life skills so that they may be contributing members of the society to the best of their abilities. We assist them to overcome barriers, and support them to develop positive and healthy relationships with family, peers, employers and other personal support. We support them in-the-moment learning, with a hands-on approach. We also teach clients to develop self-advocacy skills.They also acquire and develop home maintenance and organizational skills including cleaning, routines, meal preparation, etc.
Support children and youth to transition to SIL program or to reintegrate back to their families whenever possible. Our primary goal is to assist our clients to reunite with their families. We constantly work with the case workers to initiate, to execute and to complete the transition when clients are ready to move back home. In case the client is not ready to move back home, he/she can transition to SIL program.
Either you need a break from your care giving duties for your child or your youth, Behavior Support & Family services Inc. is your solution.
Our Respite Care gives families temporary relief from the challenges of caring for a child with a physical or mental disability. Whether this relief is for a few hours, a day, a weekend or longer depends on the families needs. Respite care aims to strengthen the family unit.
Our Respite Care Services includes:
Initial Assessment and case management study
Personal Care and Home Support Services
Grocery Shopping
Home Medical Equipment and Supplies
Medication Administration

We provide counselling to the families of the individuals we support, to help them understand our approach of support and care.
Strong family support system is essential to the well-being of the individual.
We work collaboratively with parents, professionals and other stakeholders to fully encompass the needs of the individuals into support plans which are implemented around their strengths and preferences. The support plan is executed in order to make positive impacts on individuals as we use our holistic approach. It’s important that parents are supportive of the proactive strategies in the support plan as well as its natural and logical consequences during crisis management.

At Behavior Support & Family Services Inc, we welcome the diversity of thought, culture and tradition; our experienced STAFF HAVE ABORIGINAL AWARENESS AND CULTURAL TRAINING. By understanding their background, they use aboriginal perspectives and values to support the individuals.